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Get 100% Approved Google Adsense Account Within 2 Hours Through Youtube & Blog



Get 100%Approved Google Adsense Account Within 2 Hours Through Youtube & Blog


Dear NBT readers, Today we ll tell you that how can you get approved Google Adsense account within 2-3 hours through YouTube & blog. As we all know In the recent days Google Adsense approval is so much tough because Google strictly provided their rules and regulations. People always say that blogging is the easiest way to earn money by seating at your home, but actually money making is not an easy task, you have to pay a lot of time to earn. Most of the people join Blogging platform with the hope that they will earn money by placing ads on their sites or may be some other ways. But most of bloggers leave blogging because they won't get the approval from Google AdSense.

Today every new blogger wants to get approved by adsense but they can't get it so easily becouse google are very strict in their rules in asian countries like India, Nepal, Bangladesh, China, Pakistan & etc etc. But Now you don't need to worry about this because In this tutorial I will tell you some simple steps to get a approved adsense account within just 2-3 hours trough YouTube.

Many user ask me to provide a trick to get approval by adsense easily because they won't get approval from google just of low traffic & ranking. So Then I was searching on web for any trick then I suddenly I saw a amazing article about this. So Now don't worry guys  you are trying but can't get approved in Adsense. But  this tutorial definitely helps you to get approved in Adsense.
please add contact us page and Google policy on your blog its necessary for Google Adsense.
  • Create Separate Contact Page For Blogger

Google Adsense Approval  Within 2 Hour follow these steps

1. Create a New Gmail account (Note: Choose United State as your location)

2. Login to youtube with your Newly created Google account

3. After Login go to right corner and click on video manager

4. Click Channel Setting and click Monetization Enable button

5. Click Enable My Account

6. Click I Accept

7. Click Go it.....

8. You should receive a message in your inbox saying your youtube account is ready for Monetization After the message, upload a unique video to youtube..

9. Be sure to add right descriptions and related tags to your video

10. Wait for the upload to complete and hit publish please monitized your videos see images

11. Now go to below link & click Next


12. Click yes proceed to Google Account sign in.

13. Than again sign in with your password

14. Click Continue button

15. Last step do not provide false information, Just fill up your Real Address, Real Country where from you belong.  Fill this form carefully. See this picture tutorial.

16. Just wait 2 hours Google Approved your Adsense request be happy.


This is most interesting part and it is so easy to approved adsense and show ads on your blog so do it now......
  • 1. Go to your new Adsense account and sign in click Google Adsense
  • 2. Go to account setting
  • 3. Scroll down to the bottom to locate invite, enter the email of your blogger account and click on invite. (be careful enter your blog email id which is associated to your blog)

  • 4. Click on invite.
  • 5.  After invitation go to your blog email id open mail and accept invitation
  • 6. Than logout your new email account and enter your blog email if you see that your blog email id enter adsense account Congratulation you definitely approved an Adsense
  • 7. Now time to create adsense ads create ads and get your code, After that place your code to your Blogspot blog.  adds will start displaying after 3-7 minutes.


  • 1. Login in to your AdSense account.
  • 2. On the Home tab, click  the Account settings page.
  • 3. In the “Access and authorization” section, next to “Only host sites are allowed to show ads for your account,” click edit.
  • 4. On the “Show ads on other websites” page that appears, enter the URL of the site where you plan to show ads.

  • 5. Click Submit.
  • 6. Finally you need to Implement AdSense ad code on the URL that you provided above, on a page that receives traffic.
Once your request is approved, you can place your ad code on any website that you own without any further approvals. If your application is not approved, you should receive a message in your adsense account stating reason why your site is not approved, meanwhile you still got your approved adsense account and you can correct the errors and resubmit again.

Congratulation Now You Have a Fully Approved Adsense Account



Photoshop Tools Tutorials


                Photoshop Tools Tutorials

Hey Guys and Gals this is my first ever tutorials on how to use the photoshop tools. In these photoshop tools tutorials we will go through one by one and learn how to use them. Photoshop is such a vast programe that once you start to understand how to use the tools you will beable to do so much

How To Use Marquee Tool In Photoshop
The MARQUEE TOOL ( M ) let you select rectangles and ellipses.
The shortcut Keys are:
Shift+Drag: Constrains the marquee tool to a perfect circle of square
Alt+Drag: Starts the marquee tool from the center and expands outwards
Alt+Shift+Drag: Starts the marquee tool from the center and and then constrains it to a perfect circle or square depending on which one is selected
Shift: Allows you to add to the selection
Alt: Allows you to delete from the selection
Spacebar: Allows you to move the selection

Learn how to use the free transform in photoshop cs3, by adding the warp you can come up with some funky looks. Ctrl + T is the shortcut key to get in to the free transform mode. Once in free transform mode remember to hold down shift while dragging the corners down this will allow you too keep in proportion.

Lasso Tool  :--

How To Use Lasso Tool In Photoshop

This one is on the lasso tool.This Tool can be hard too use but once you have mastered it becomes very handy. The magnetic lasso tool will make your life a lot easier, simply click once and then drag around your shape.
I find zooming in while using the lasso tool helps a lot, you can really get close to the edge. Remember the shortcut keys too add a selection and subtract a selection
If you need to use the freehand lasso in the middle of a magnetic lasso selection, hold down the Alt key,then release the key when you wish to return to magnetic mode

Crop Tool :--

How To Use Crop Tool In Photoshop

Learn how to use the crop tool in Photoshop CS3, I never used the crop tool until CS3, but now i love it. There is many ways to crop an image but this new crop tool does a very good job.

Slice Tool :--

How To Use Slice Tool In Photoshop

When it comes to cutting up your images in photoshop, then the slice tool does the job. I use this tool for cutting up adobe photoshop web templates so i could then export to dreamweaver, this tutorial is the basics of how the tool works. We shall get more into it at a later date.

Healing Brush Tool :--

How To Use Healing Brush Tool In Photoshop

I LOVE THIS TOOL!!! i just love manipulating images in photoshop and this tool is just the best.

Brush Tool :---

How To Use Brush Tool In Photoshop

tutorial explains all about the brush tool how to add new brushes and how to play with certain settings to get certain effects.

Stamp / Clone Tool :--

How To Use Stamp / Clone Tool In Photoshop

How to use the clone tool in adobe photoshop cs3, i love to manipulate images in photoshop and this tool is amazing, the way you can take one area and add it to another is perfect. Make sure you hold down Alt to select an area first then paint it in.

History Brush Tool

How to Use History Brush Tool In Photoshop

Learn how to use one of the most powerful tools in photoshop the history brush tool, this tool saves you a lot of time and effort. This tool proves that photoshop is the best graphic program available.

Delete Tool :--

How To Use Delete Tool In Photoshop

Removing Background images can be very frustrating, but in photoshop cs3 they have some great tools that make your life a lot easier. Also see how to delete a background but not make it permanent by using a mask instead.

Paint Bucket Tool

How To Use Paint Bucket Tool In Photoshop

There is a lot more involved than you may think. You can come up with some nice effects if you learn how to use the modes.

Gradient Tool :--

How To Use Gradient Tool In Photoshop

Learn how to use the gradient tool in Photoshop, learn how to set your own colors and add some great colors with the noise randomize button. Gradient works from foreground color too background color, play with the settings and you will get some beautiful designs.

Sharpen, Blur, Smudge Tool :---

How to Use Blur,Sharpen,Smudge Tool In Photoshop

Learn how to use the burn,dodge and sponge tool in photoshop cs3. If you are a photographer and like to lighten and darken images then this is the tool for you. Use the exposure to to get better effects.

Burn,Dodge,Sponge Tool :--

How To Use Burn,Dodge,Sponge Tool In Photoshop

Learn how to use the burn,dodge and sponge tool in photoshop cs3. If you are a photographer and like to lighten and darken images then this is the tool for you. Use the exposure to to get better effects.

Pen Tool :--

How to Use The Pen Tool In Photoshop

This is a two part tutorial as the pen tool is very important to learn. This tool is probably the most hated tool in photoshop because it doesn't do as it is told, this tool made me crazy for ages, i could never work out how to use it, but with obsession you will pick it up easy enough. Using the ALT technique really makes your life a lot easier.

Text Tool :--

How to Use Text Tool In Photoshop

With the textool comes the character box where you can stretch text and manipulate it.Play around with the setting and you will come up with some nice effects. Every time you use the text tool it will make a new layer for you.

Shape Tool :--

How to Use Shape Tool In Photoshop

Learn how to use the shape tool more easily. Learn the difference between the shape tool and the marquee tool.Use the pen tool to change the shape and add more anchors.

Notes Tool :--

How to Use Notes Tool In Photoshop

These are great for your customers as they can send you notes inside PSD file and they will let you know what needs editing. When saved as jpg,gif,png or any file.

Color Picker Tool :---

How to Use Color Picker Tool In Photoshop

Change your foreground and back ground color with the color piker, you can change from RGB to LAB you can learn how to make sure your color is safe for the web and very easy tutorial and you probably know how to use it already,but i had too show you.

Zoom Tool :--

How to Use Zoom Tool In Photoshop

When it comes to the zoom tool, i don't really like to use it that much, i find using shortcut keys a lot easier as i would be able to keep the same tool i was using and still zoom into the image, this is a lot more powerful and convenient. Along with the zoom tool there is the pan tool and this is easily accessed by holding down spacebar on the keyboard. Let me know if you have any questions.

Quick Mask :--

How To Use Quick Mask In Photoshop

I just love using the quick mask tool. Quick mask allows you to make a selection of something by painting over the image in quick mask view(Shortcut Q). This is a very handy tool to get used too as you might find it helps removing backgrounds easier. i like to use it on more detailed images as i can really get in there. Remember when you are in quick mask view to be painting with black and white. Black adds and white deletes.

Mask Tool :--

How To Use The Mask Tool Phototshop

Hey everyone. In this tutorial we are going to be using a mask. We have an image of a dog lying on the grass, but he doesn't look convincing. He has a rough edge around him so we are going add a feather to soften the edges. Then we will need to make him appear to be lying on the grass, so we will use the smudge tool to add grass around him.

Secure Google chrome with password


                 Secure Google chrome with password

We can protect our Google Chrome with Password. We can secure Saved Password, Important Bookmarks, etc... with this "Simple Password Startup" Extension. So let's see how to secure Google Chrome with password.

Install the "Simple Password Startup" Extension in your Chrome
Click here to Install
Then go to "Tools" --> "Extension" --> "Simple Password Startup" --> "Option"
After that Enter a Password and Save it.
Now your Google Chrome is secured with Password.

If you want to open your Google Chrome, every time you have to type the password in home page. If you type a wrong password, Chrome will be closed. Without knowing the password we can see only the "Home page" in chrome.

This is a very easiest way to protect your "Saved Password" and "Bookmarks" from unknown persons.

Note: Don't forget your Startup password, if you forget the password, you can't recover it. 



Do you know, every SIM CARD has a name

                      Do you know, every SIM CARD has a name ?

1st step: From your mobile number take the
last 3 numbers, ex :: 092*****898,
Take "898" only

2nd step: do this @*[898:0]

3rd step: remove the sign *
And press ENTER in the comment box !

How To Open Number Of Websites In A Single Click

                           How To Open Number Of Websites In A Single Click ??

1) Open Notepad.
2) Copy Below Given Code And Paste It In Notepad.

@echo off
start www.alltechbuzz.net
start www.google.com
start www.facebook.com

3) Now save Notepad As Sites.bat
4) Now open your save file and it will open three websites in a single click.
5) You can also add more sites by writing Start followed by websites.

Make ur Windows Genuine using notepad

                                       Make ur Windows Genuine using notepad!!!!

1. Copy and Paste the following code in the Notepad.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mi crosoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents]
"OOBETimer"=hex:ff,d5,71,d6,8b,6a,8d,6f,d5,33, 93,f d
"LastWPAEventLogged"=hex:d5,07,05,00,06,00,07, 00,0 f,00,38,00,24,00,fd,02
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mi crosoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion]
"CurrentBuild"="1.511.1 () (Obsolete data - do not use)"
"InstallDate"=dword:427cdd 95
"DigitalProductId"=hex:a4,00,00,00,03,00,00,00 ,36, 39,38,33,31,2d,36,34,30,2d,\
31,37,38,30,35,37,37,2d,34,35,33,38,39,00,5a,00,00 ,00,41,32,32,2d,30,30,30,\
30,31,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,0d,04,89,b2,15,1b,c4 ,ee,62,4f,e6,64,6f,01,00,\
00,00,00,00,27,ed,85,43,a2,20,01,00,00,00,00,00,00 ,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\
00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,31,34,35,30,34,00 ,00,00,00,00,00,00,ce,0e,\
00,00,12,42,15,a0,00,08,00,00,87,01,00,00,00,00,00 ,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\
00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 ,94,a2,b3,ac
"LicenseInfo"=hex:9e,bf,09,d0,3a,76,a5,27,bb,f 2,da ,88,58,ce,58,e9,05,6b,0b,82,\
c3,74,ab,42,0d,fb,ee,c3,ea,57,d0,9d,67,a5,3d,6e,42 ,0d,60,c0,1a,70,24,46,16,\
2. Save the file with the .reg extension.
3. If you run the file means it will ask you the confirmation to add the value to your Registry.
4. Press Yes.
5. Reboot your System.
6. Start Downloading from Microsoft Site

Convert Your Websites to PDF

                                 -----Convert Your Websites to PDF :----

Get all the information stored in any website stored in .pdf

No need To seperately download page files. Just Save The page in .pdf

Convert your URl to Pdf here-



Sometimes we go cyber cafe or any other place.. and open facebook... and we forgot to log out....but dont need to be worry about it,,,there is a option to log out your account from every computer.....follow the steps...
1. log in your account (from anywhere)
2. go to account setting
3. click on account security
4. and see there details...its shows
Last Accessed:
Device Type:
"see the image"
(if only these 3 things are shown there, then u r safe)
if there is an option to "end activity"that means your account is opened somewhere else also...
click "end activity" and u`ll be logged out from other computers



1- www.driverzone. com
2- www.opendrivers .com
3- www.notebook-dr iver.com
4- www.notebookera .com
Note- First 2 websites are best for your laptop drivers

Some Keyboard Shortcuts for Window 8

Who R Using Win 8 ??

Some Keyboard Shortcuts 4 them...

Windows key – brings up the Metro start screen. You can start typing to search for an app, just like the Win7 start menu.
Win + D – brings up the old Windows desktop.
Win + C – brings up the Charms menu, where you can search, share, and change settings.
Win + I – opens the Settings panel, where you can change settings for the current app, change volume, wireless networks, shut down, or adjust the brightness.
Win + Z – opens the App Bar for the current Metro application.
Win + H – opens the Metro Share panel.
Win + Q – brings up the Metro App Search screen.
Win + W – brings up the Metro Settings search screen.
Win + F – brings up the Metro File search screen.
Win + K – opens the Devices panel (for connecting to a projector or some other device)
Win + , (comma) – Aero Peek at the desktop.
Win + . (period) – Snaps the current Metro application to one side of the screen. (Right side)
Win + Shift + . (period) – Snaps the current Metro application to the other side of the screen. (Left side)
Win + J – switches focus between snapped Metro applications.
Win + Page Up / Down – moves the current app to the other monitor.
Win + Tab – opens the Metro application switcher menu, switches between applications.
You might notice that we didn’t show screenshots of how all these shortcut keys work, and there’s a reason for that: you need to test them out for yourself to really learn how they work.
Win+X – lunch kind of start menu, very useful
Windows Key + Print Screen saves a screenshot into your Pictures folder. It’s quite handy.
If there’s any other shortcut keys that are new to Windows 8 and we haven’t featured them, be sure to let us know in the comments

Someone has made your fake account….Don’t Worry…..Tracingfacebook user

Someone has made your fake account….Don’t Worry…..Tracingfacebook user..
First you got to find out the IP address of that User.
To Do so we will be using “netstat” command in windows. If you want to know the IP address of a specific person on facebook or orkut or any chat service, there is only one way: Just invite or ping him for a chat and while chat is ON open ‘Command Prompt‘ on your PC (Start >Run>cmd).
note: before trying this make sure you close all the other tabs in your browser. and only facebook is open. also if possible delete all the history and cache from your browser.
When command prompt opens Type the following command and hit Enter.
netstat -an
And you will get all established connections IP addresses there. Note down all the suspicious IP’s.
The Next Step is to Trace that user using his IP address.
To do so we will be using IP tracer service. Go to the below address and paste the IP address in the box that says “lookup this ip or website”. and it will show you the location of the user.
http:// www.ip-adress.com/ip_tracer/
It will show you all the information about that user along with his ISP and a Location in the MAP. Now in the MAP Just click on “click for big ip address location” in the big picture you can actually zoom in. and try to recognize the area. If any serious matter just note down the ISP details in that page and contact them about the IP. they will respond you.
Other netstat commands:
-a Displays all connections and listening ports.
-e Displays Ethernet statistics. This may be combined with the -s option.
-n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.
-p proto Shows connections for the protocol specified by proto; proto may be TCP or UDP.
-s option to display per-protocol statistics, proto may be TCP, UDP, or IP.
-r Displays the routing table.
-s Displays per-protocol statistics. By default, statistics are shown for TCP, UDP and IP; the
-p option may be used to specify a subset of the default.

for more tricks http://highprsocialbookmarkings.blogspot.in/

HTML Introduction

            Introduction to HTML

What is an HTML File?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
File extension: .HTML, .htm
MIME type: text/HTML
Type code: TEXT
Uniform Type Identifier: public.HTML
Developed by: W3C
Type of format: markup language
Extended to: XHTML
Standard(s): W3C HTML 4.01
An HTML file is a text file containing small markup tags
The markup tags tell the Web browser how to display the page
An HTML file must have an htm or HTML file extension
An HTML file can be created using a simple text editor   


What Is Markup Language

A markup language combines text and extra information about the text.

The extra information, for example about the text's structure or presentation, is expressed using markup, which is intermingled with the primary text. The best-known markup language in modern use is HTML (HyperText Markup Language), one of the foundations of the World Wide Web. Historically, markup was (& is) used in the publishing industry in the communication of printed work between authors, editors, and printers.

Creating an HTML document

Creating an HTML document is very easy. To begin coding HTML , need only two things: a simple-text editor and the dedication to follow this tutorial! Notepad is the most basic of simple-text editors and you will probably code a good amount of HTML with it.
HTML is platform independent, you will need to save your HTML files in standard text format, sometimes known as ASCII. The easy way to do this is use a program like notepad.exe in Windows, pico in Linux, and the like.

If you'd prefer to use a word processor like Word or WordPerfect to write HTML code, you can do so, but need to save your files as "Text" or "Text Only. " You will see this option in a drop down box in your "Save As..." screen.
If you use a word processor and forget to save it as Text format, you will see only garbled data when you try to view the page with a web browser.

The Most Common Mistake

The most common mistake for designers is the urge to put the d:\ in links and images . When you are on the web, there is no d:\ to the rest of the world. When you start out, keep all your HTML files and images in one folder, and don't use d:\ at all.
Quick example:
<img> loads an image into a web page. If you have a file called flower.jpg, use the code <img src="flower.jpg"> to load it, not <img src="c:\My Documents\website\flower.jpg">

Frequently Asked Questions

» What is HTML?
HyperText Markup Language:
HTML is a plain text file with commands <markup tags> to tell Web browsers how to display the file. Tim Berners-Lee created HTML while at CERN, (the European Laboratory for Particle Physics) in Geneva.
» My page looks good on one browser, but not on another.
There are slight differences between browsers, such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, in areas such as page margins. The only real answer is to use standard HTML tags whenever possible, and view your pages in multiple browsers to see how they look.
» Does my computer have to run Windows? What about a Mac?
You can do all your training on a non-Windows computer like a Mac. However, some of the examples in our advanced classes require a newer version of Windows, like Windows 98 or Windows 2000.
» How do I know if my HTML is correct?
It's good to validate your HTML. Just because you can see the Web page ok on your browser doesn't mean every browser will show it that way, or even be able to access the Web page. Browsers attempt to "work around" HTML errors, and the differences can be subtle or drastic. That's why the folks at WC3 have worked up the specifications of what works for every browser. Although some may display it a little different, at least you know they can access your page. (The different browser programs have their own set of "whistles and bells" that just won't do the same... especially Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.)
» After I have edited an HTML file, I cannot view the result in my browser. Why?
Make sure that you have saved the file with a proper name and extension like "c:\mypage.htm". Also make sure that you use the same name when you open the file in your browser.

HTML Elements

                     HTML Elements

  • HTML documents are text files made up of HTML elements.
  • HTML elements are defined using HTML tags.

What Is An HTML Element

An HTML element indicates structure in an HTML document and a way of arranging content hierarchically. An HTML element is an SGML element that meets the requirements of one or more of the HTML DTDs (Document Type Definitions ). These elements have properties: both attributes and content, as specified (both allowable and required) according to the appropriate HTML DTD . Elements may represent paragraphs, headings, hypertext links, lists, embedded media, and a variety of other structures.

Syntactically HTML elements are constructed with:

    1) a start tag marking the beginning of an element;
    2) any number of attributes (and their associated values);
    3) some amount of content (characters and other elements)'; and
    4) an end tag.

Many HTML elements include attributes in their start tags. Attributes are defining desired behavior or indicating additional element properties. The end tag is optional for many elements. There are a few elements that are not part of any official DTDs, yet are supported by some browsers and used by some web pages. Such elements may be ignored or displayed improperly on browsers not supporting them.

Informally, HTML elements are sometimes referred to as "tags", though many prefer the term tag strictly in reference to the semantic structures delimiting the start and end of an element.
  • HTML tags are used to mark-up HTML elements
  • HTML tags are surrounded by the two characters < and >
  • The surrounding characters are called angle brackets
  • HTML tags normally come in pairs like <i> and </i>
  • The first tag in a pair is the start tag(<i>), the second tag is the end tag(</i>)
  • The element content is the text between the start and end tags
  • HTML tags are not case sensitive, <b> means the same as <B>

  • Why do We Use Lowercase Tags?

    Start using lowercase tags, if you want to prepare yourself for the next generations of HTML. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommends lowercase tags in their HTML 4 recommendation, and XHTML - the next generation HTML - demands lowercase tags.    

    HTML Basic Tags

                   HTML Basic

    • The basic tags include <HTML>, <title>, <meta>, and <body>.


    This tag is used to indicate that this is an HTML document.   
    Most HTML documents should start and end with this tag.


    This tag is used to indicate the header section of the HTML document, which typically includes the <title> and <meta> tags, and is not displayed in the main window of the browser.


    This tag indicates the title of this HTML page. The title is what is displayed on the upper left corner of the browser when you view a web page. For example, right now you can see there "Basic Tags: HTML, head, title, meta, body". That is the title of this page.
    The title tag is important when it comes to search engine ranking. Many of the search engines pay special attention to the text in the <title> tag. This is because (logically) that words in the <title> tag indicate what the page content is.


    The <meta> tag information is not directly displayed when the page is rendered on the browser. Rather, this is used for the author of the HTML page to record information related to this page. Two common attributes are name and content. The <meta> tag used to hold great importance in search engine optimization, with authors carefully drafting what's inside the tag to gain better search engine ranking, but recently its importance has been decreasing steadily.


    The <body> tag includes the HTML body of the document. Everything inside the <body> tag (other than those within the <script> tag) is displayed on the browser inside the main browser window.
    The <body> tag may contain several attributes. The most commonly used ones are listed below:
    • bgcolor: This is the background color of the entire HTML document, and may be specified either by the color name directly or by the six-digit hex code.
    • alink: The color of the links.
    • vlink: The color of the visited links.
    • topmargin: The margin from the top of the browser window.
    • leftmargin: The margin from the left of the browser window.


    Headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags. <h1> defines the largest heading. <h6> defines the smallest heading.
    <h1>This is a heading</h1>
    <h2>This is a heading</h2>
    <h3>This is a heading</h3>
    <h4>This is a heading</h4>
    <h5>This is a heading</h5>
    <h6>This is a heading</h6>
    HTML automatically adds an extra blank line before and after a heading.

    Line Breaks

    The <br> tag is used when you want to end a line, but don't want to start a new paragraph. The <br> tag forces a line break wherever you place it.
    <p>This <br> is a para<br>graph with line breaks</p>
    The <br> tag is an empty tag. It has no closing tag.

    Comments in HTML

    The comment tag is used to insert a comment in the HTML source code. A comment will be ignored by the browser. You can use comments to explain your code, which can help you when you edit the source code at a later date.
    <!-- This is a comment -->
    Note that you need an exclamation point after the opening bracket, but not before the closing bracket.