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High Page Rank Social Bookmarking Sites for Increase Page Rank

Are you searching for top socail bookmarking site directory 2013, then you are in the right spot as today I am going to mention some 10 best Web 2 . 0 websites who has high page rank on Google. Thus all you've got to get a backlink from these sites to get a nice pagerank to your site or weblog. These social press bookmarking sites varies from google page rank 7 to 9. Therefore you should be natural, put different anchor text of your site with different url’s of your sites to gain a penguin risk-free backlink from these social bookmark management websites. Now without wasting enough time, lets get to be able to these social web-sites below. Have a look!
1. http://www.slashdot.org/ – PageRank 9
2. http://www.digg.com/ – PageRank 8
3. http://www.delicious.com/ – PageRank 8
4. http://www.reddit.com/ – PageRank 8
5. http://technorati.com/ – PageRank 8
6. http://www.stumbleupon.com/ – PageRank 8
7. http://www.diigo.com/ – PageRank 7
8. http://www.connotea.org/ – PageRank 7
9. http://www.newsvine.com/ – PageRank 7
10. http://www.dzone.com/ – PageRank 6