How To Change Windows 7 Logon Screen ?
Steps to Change Windows 7 Logon Screen:---
1. Press Windows Key + R to launch Run.
Type REGEDIT and hit enter.
2. Now navigate to,
\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVers ion
\Authentication\LogonUI\Backgr ound
Change value of OEMBackground to 1.
3. Alternatively you can download the
Registry file from here.Extract the file and
double-click on the file to enable this
feature (Alternative method: right-click,
select Merge).
4. Now navigate to C:\Windows
\System32\oobe, create folder “info”,
double click it and create another new
folder “backgrounds”.
5. Now place your desired picture inside
logon file into C:\Windows\System32\oobe
\info\backgrounds. In my Windows 7 I use
Alienware themes so changed Windows 7
Logon Screen with Alienware picture.
6. Rename the file to
backgrounddefault.jpg. (Please NOTE:
Images must be less than 256kb in size).
7. Press Windows Key + L to view your
customized Logon Screen. Else Reboot
your Windows 7 to apply changes.
Steps to Change Windows 7 Logon Screen:---
1. Press Windows Key + R to launch Run.
Type REGEDIT and hit enter.
2. Now navigate to,
Change value of OEMBackground to 1.
3. Alternatively you can download the
Registry file from here.Extract the file and
double-click on the file to enable this
feature (Alternative method: right-click,
select Merge).
4. Now navigate to C:\Windows
\System32\oobe, create folder “info”,
double click it and create another new
folder “backgrounds”.
5. Now place your desired picture inside
logon file into C:\Windows\System32\oobe
\info\backgrounds. In my Windows 7 I use
Alienware themes so changed Windows 7
Logon Screen with Alienware picture.
6. Rename the file to
backgrounddefault.jpg. (Please NOTE:
Images must be less than 256kb in size).
7. Press Windows Key + L to view your
customized Logon Screen. Else Reboot
your Windows 7 to apply changes.