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HTML Formatting

                  HTML Formatting

  • HTML defines a lot of elements for formatting output, like bold or underline text.


The <font> tag is used to change the format of the text on the web page.
The most important attributes are as follows:
face: The type of font. Common ones include "Time New Roman", "Verdana", and "Helvetica."
size: This indicates the size of the text. This can be absolute (0 .. 6), or relative ("+1", ... or "-1",...)
color: This attribute indicates the color of the text. Either the color name or the six-character color code may be used to specify color.
<font size=2 face="Helvetica" color=red>This illustrates the attributes of the font tag.</font>

Text Formatting Tags


The <b> tag will bold the text inside the tag.


The <i> tag will italicize the text inside the tag.


The <u> tag will underline the text inside the tag.


The <center> tag causes all the text within the tag to be centered.


The <p> tag indicates a new paragraph. It is the same as <br><br>. This tag is most often used by itself, without a corresponding closing tag.


Defines big text


Defines emphasized text


Defines small text


Defines strong text


Defines subscripted text


Defines superscripted text


Defines inserted text


Defines deleted text

"Computer Output" Tags


Defines computer code text


Defines keyboard text


Defines sample computer code


Defines teletype text


Defines a variable


Defines preformatted text