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Introduction to Ping & Ipconfig (highprsocialbookmarkings.blogspot.in)

1.) Ping:-
Ping is probably the simplest of all
diagnostic commands. It’s used to verify
basic TCP/IP connectivity to a network
host. To use it, simply enter the
command, followed by the name or IP
address of the host you want to test. For
Keep in mind that this command will
work only if Internet Control Message
Protocol (ICMP) traffic is allowed to
pass between the two machines. If at
any point a firewall is blocking ICMP
traffic, the ping will fail
2.) Ipconfig
The ipconfig command is used to view
or modify a computer’s IP addresses.
For example, if you wanted to view a
Windows 7 system’s full IP
configuration, you could use the
following command:
ipconfig /all