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How To Do Seo Of Your Blog

Hello. Hope You Are All Fine. You May Happy To See The Title Of This Post. :P Today's Our Topic Is On SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Seo Is Very Important. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Will Help You To Place Your Website/Blog In Search Engine Rankings. I Am Not A Seo Specialist. So, I Will Tell You That I Know Better. Hope You Will Like My Efforts And This Article. SEO Revolvs Around Two Major Processes: On-Site Optimization And Off-Site Optimization.On-Site Includes Anything That You Control On Your Site. Title Tags, Content, Liking Structure With Your Site And All Other Factors On Your Page. Off-Site Is Everything Else. In This Post, We Will Cover 5 Topic's. 1. What Is Seo. 2. Creat Backlinks. 3. Pinging 4. Meta Tags. 5. Submission To Blogger's Directory. So, Start Tutorial.

What Is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

 SEO Stands For Searc Engine Optimization. SEO Refers To The Wide Varities Of Strategies Used To Make Your Website More Appealing To The Search Engines In The Hope Of Drawing Free Traffic To Your Website. SEO Revolvs Around Two Major Processes: On-Site Optimization And Off-Site Optimization.On-Site Includes Anything That You Control On Your Site. Title Tags, Content, Liking Structure With Your Site And All Other Factors On Your Page. Off-Site Is Everything Else

Creation Of Backlinks

 A Backlink Is A Link Comming From Another Website To Your Own. The Number And Quality Of Backlink's That Your Website Has Can Affect Your Search Engine Optimization Efforts. As Some Search Engine's Provides Significant Weight To The Backlinks Of A Website. You Can Create Backlinks Of Your Website/Blog Online For Free. I Suggest You To Use Following Website's To Create Backlinks For Your Website/Blog.
1. http://www.w3tool.com
2. http://www.backlinkgenerator.net
You Can Search "Backlink Generator" And Can Create Free Backlinks Online.

Ping Your Website

 Pinging (Ping) Is A Technique Used In Blogging To Inform The Blog Directories And Search Engine's That Your Have Posted A New Entry On Your Blog. If We Use Ping After Every Post Then It Maximize The Fact That Google, Yahoo And Other Major Search Engine's Will Find Your Blog Update's. It Guarantees That Spider's Will Come To Your Website/Blog And You Will Get Listed In All The Major Search Engine's With Minimal Effort And No Money. For Pinging, I Suggest Following Website's.
1. http://www.pingomatic.com
2. http://www.pingates.com
You Can Search "Ping Website Online" And Can Ping Online.

Meta Tags

 Meta Tags Are Html Code's That Are Inserted Into The Header Of A Web Page. In The Context Of Search Engine Optimization, When People Refer To Meta Tags. They Are Usually To The Meta Description Tag And The Meta Keyword's Tag. You Have To Add Description And Keyword's Of Your Blog/Website To Your Meta Tags. If You Don't Know How To Create Meta Tags. Then Don't Worry. You Can Create Online. I Suggest You Following Website. You Can Search  "Meta Tag Generator" And Can Create Meta Tags. You Only Have To Enter Information About Your Website/Blog And Your Meta Tags Are Ready To Add.
1. http://www.onlinemetatag.com
Meta Tags SomeThing Looks Like Following:

<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Your Site Description!">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Your Site Keyword\'s!">
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Author Name!">

Submit You Blog/Website To Blogger's Directory

Bloggers.com Is Directory Of Blogger User's. Where You Can Find Millions Of Blogger. Old And Newbies. So, This Is A Perfect Place. Where You Can Add Friends, Follow And Can Share Your Blog/s With Them. This Is Best Way Of Getting New Traffic To Your Blog. There Are Many Blogger Directories And You Can Join 1 Of Your Favourite Or All. This Is Not Compulsary That You Have To Join Bloggers.com. You Can Get Lots Of Traffic To Your Blog Through Joining Blogger Directories. Why I Join Blogger's Directory. Click Here And Read Facts About Bloggers.com Directory. You Can Find Other Directories By Searching "Blogger Directory" On Google.Hope You Like This Article.