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SEO (highprsocialbookmarkings.blogspot.com)

What is SEO?

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization,  and refers to the practice of optimizing a website by improving onsite and offsite aspects,  in an effort to increase the traffic the website receives organically (non paid) from Search Engines.

Why does my website need SEO?

Google, Yahoo, and Bing are the 3 major commercial search engines that drive the majority of web traffic.  If your site is not structured properly for SEO then it will not be easily found by the search engines,  but more importantly your content may not be indexed well.  In the most simple terms, you want your website and content to rank as high on the search results page when a consumer searches for a similiar or relevant search term.
Experience and research has shown that search engine traffic an make (or break) an organizations success

What kind of results can I expect and how quickly?

There are many factors and complex algorithms that determine how the search engines rank websites.  It is a long-tail process that involves continuous attention and expertise.  ”Experts” and SEO companies that guarantee first page rankings within a certain time frame are finding their efforts (and results) thwarted by stricter guidelines the search engines have employed.
The results you will see from your SEO efforts is in direct relation to how committed you are to the process.  Websites must continuously be updated with fresh relevant content;  the “set it and forget it” mentality doesn’t apply.  In addition, the popularity of your website is determined in part to how many other website link to yours.  It’s not a numbers game however, we’re not looking for quantity, but quality.
As technology touches every minute of our lives, the Search Engines are constantly evolving to ensure that they are providing their users with the most relevant content possible.  Having a website online without paying attention to SEO is like building a house on quicksand:  it may look pretty right now, but eventually it may be no where to be found!